BIRDIE Wing: Golf Girls' Story, the first anime series produced by Bandai Namco Pictures (BNP) in collaboration with HTC, has entered the metaverse! VIVERSE is pleased to announce the opening of the BIRDIE WING Metaverse Museum, a new virtual world inspired by the show.
With millions of viewers across Japan, Asia-Pacific, and the world, BIRDIE WING: Golf Girls' Story has given our generation a new reason to get excited about the sport of women's golf. Whether you're already a golf enthusiast or just a fan of Japanese anime, you won't want to miss this chance to discover (or relive!) the magic of BIRDIE WING.
Tour this virtual exhibition in VIVERSE and start your metaverse art journey today! Enjoy BIRDIE WING's captivating designs as you look upon the anime's characters and golf courses.
The BIRDIE WING Metaverse Museum is currently free to enter. Head on over and see what makes this women's golf anime so special.
About BIRDIE WING: Golf Girls' Story :
One day, Eve, who is struggling to make a living by playing underground golf, meets Aoi Amawashi, an innocent girl from a wealthy family with exquisite golfing skills. The two golfers from very different backgrounds become fascinated by each other and together their talents as master golfers collide, forever shaking up the world of women's golf!
BIRDIE WING Metaverse Museum
BIRDIE WING Metaverse Museum offers an unparalleled virtual experience that brings you into the universe of BIRDIE WING: Golf Girls' Story. Explore the incredible art style of this anime from Bandai Namco Pictures.
Just like with other Worlds throughout VIVERSE, you can enter the BIRDIE Wing Metaverse Museum on your preferred device, whether it's a PC, smartphone, or VR headset. Enjoy BIRDIE WING at home or on the go!
Chat with other fans of BIRDIE WING: Golf Girls' Story from around the world! Be sure to create your metaverse avatar with VIVERSE's free virtual avatar maker and show off your personality while touring the exhibition.
Enter the BIRDIE WING Metaverse Museum from your web browser* and enjoy this free virtual exhibition as many times as you like.
*For the best experience, we recommend using a computer (PC or Mac) or mobile device (Android phone with at least 6 GB RAM or iPhone 13 or newer).
Ready to experience even more BIRDIE WING? Stop by the official VIVERSE x BIRDIE WING page!